
Updated Nov 18, 2022


Coin Flips as a Service (CFaaS) with a unique feature: the result can be trusted by a distributed group of people. Let me explain.

Suppose you and a couple of online friends (or enemies) agree to flip a coin to determine something. One of them goes to a coin flip website (such as and sends the group a screenshot of the result. How can you trust they didn’t just flip the coin until they got their desired outcome?

CoinFlippin’ tries to solve this problem by first generating a link to a pending coin flip, which can be shared with the group. Each person can verify that the flip has not been performed yet by visiting the link. Then, the coin can be flipped exactly once to reveal the result, which is visible to everyone through the same link. And there you have it, verifiable distributed coin flips (assuming you can trust CoinFlippin’)!